MLL is "Innovator of the Year" in TOP 100 innovation competition

For the fifth time in a row, MLL was honored in the TOP 100 competition of German medium-sized companies on June 23. This year, to our great delight, we were recognized for the first time with 1st place as "Innovator of the Year" in category C (over 200 employees).

TOP 100 competition mentor Ranga Yogeshwar congratulates MLL management on first place. From left: Prof. Wolfgang Kern, MD, Ranga Yogeshwar, Prof. Claudia Haferlach, MD, PhD. Torsten Haferlach. Photo credits: KD Busch/compamedia.

Together with our team, we are extremely proud that our daily work for patients, our innovative strength and our research contributions were judged to be so outstanding by an independent jury.

The scientific management of this assessment has been in the hands of Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Franke since 2002. Franke is founder and director of the Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the Vienna University of Economics and Business. The mentor of TOP 100 is the science journalist Ranga Yogeshwar. Project partners are the Fraunhofer Society for the Promotion of Applied Research and the German Association of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (BVMW).  In this scientific selection process, the framework conditions for innovation work, the emergence of new ideas, their implementation and the success of innovations and product improvements were evaluated.

MLL was specifically praised for its strong customer and patient focus. Likewise, the unique workflow of our state-of-the-art analyses with sample numbers continuing to increase rapidly was highlighted. The steady reduction in time from sample receipt to report and the improvement in the quality of our findings was acknowledged. The fact that we use artificial intelligence and cloud computing on a daily basis in accredited routine and pilot studies to achieve this is considered groundbreaking and highly innovative. Our diagnostic contributions to international drug approval studies and collaboration on the new WHO classification were also recognized.

This special award will motivate us more than ever to become even better in the interest of our patients, our referring colleagues and the research-based pharmaceutical industry and device developers. Data and digitization directly benefit the patients entrusted to us and are integrated into algorithms that help to complete findings in even less time and with even better quality. We will continue to build on our vision of a physician-led, high-performance diagnostic and research laboratory. Even 18 years after MLL was founded, we are far from reaching our goal: the best possible therapy for each and every patient. But progress is being made, and we are pleased to be doing our part. This award is a great honor and incentive for us.

»Do you have any questions about the article or would you like more information about our Innovator of the Year award? Feel free to send me an e-mail.«

Prof. Dr. med. Dr. phil. Torsten Haferlach

Executive management
Internist, Hematologist and Oncologist
Deputy Head of Cytomorphology

T: +49 89 99017-100